Spanish for
Advanced Students

I customize advanced Spanish courses (from B2) as individually as you would like them to be. This can be as a private lesson or in a small group, online or right here in La Gomera, an hour by ferry from Tenerife.

The important thing is that in these intensive conversations courses only Spanish is spoken. We will learn new vocabulary for business or everyday life, and we will perfect your grammar. If you want, also for the preparation of the DELE B2, C1 and C2 exams.

If you understand my welcome words here very well your are advanced. If not, it is better to go to the beginners section.

Spanish in small groups

In pairs or in small groups of 3 or more people

You already have basic knowledge of Spanish, the past and the future with all declinations are not alien to you at, but now you want to get perfect for your work or next vacatio?. Does your girlfriend live abroad as a digital nomad and would she also like to? Perfect. Then we meet online and talk. We talk about what you have experienced the last few days, what needs to be done, what projects you have in mind. In Spanish of course, it is an intensive conversation course. Most things are already clear, new vocabulary is practiced, and grammar is perfectionated in a playful way.

Your company is setting up a Spanish branch and everyone who ever learned Spanish at school has to go there? Don't panic, I will work with you as a team on the most important Spanish business vocabulary and I will also prepare you for the DELE exams, which are required by authorities or institutions as an official classification. You can read more about this below.

  • Conversation course
  • Business Spanish on request

Private Lessons

Der Unterricht ist komplett auf dich zugeschnitten

Die effizienteste Art seinen Wortschatz zu vervollständigen und tiefer in die spanische Sprache und Kultur vorzudringen ist der Einzelunterricht. Terminlich bin ich flexibel, in Regelfall treffen wir uns einmal pro Woche eine Stunde online oder persönlich und du erzählst mir, was du während der Woche erlebt hast. Dabei erkenne ich deine grammatikalischen Schwächen und kann gezielt darauf eingehen. Wir sprechen nur Spanisch, außer du weißt gar nicht mehr weiter, dann kannst du auf Englisch ausweichen. Natürlich sind auch mehrere Stunden pro Woche möglich, bestimmte Lernschwerpunkte oder Vorbereitungen auf Prüfungen bzw. wichtige Termine, wo du vielleicht etwas präsentieren möchtest. Spanisch lernen leicht gemacht ist das Motto!

  • Intensivkurs
  • Business Spanisch auf Wunsch
  • Konversationskurs

Exam preparation

FOR DELE exams in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

DELE certificates are official language certificates and recognized worldwide. In Spain they allow access to universities, institutes and public administrations. With advanced students I carry out an intensive preparation for the exams DELE B2 (autonomous use of the language), C1 (professional language skills) and C2 (almost native language skills). I have already accompanied many students to complete the C2 exam and I am still excited when they compete. Individual or team Spanish lessons by agreement.

  • Intensive exam preparation course.
  • Individually or in small groups

My Spanish Courses

Price for intensive lessons one to one (in La Gomera or online)

studentsdurationper person
150 min.€ 25,00


Price for intensive lessons two persons (in La Gomera or online)

studentsdurationper person
250 min.€ 18,00

PROGRESSIVE Course for 8 lessons (in La Gomera or online)

studentsdurationdaysper person
3 - 88 x 50 minflexible€ 120,00


PROGRESSIVE Course for 4 lessons (in La Gomera or online)

studentsdurationdaysper person
3 - 84 x 50 minflexible€ 70,00

Progressive course for students of all levels who want to combine their work with the study of Spanish. Grammar and vocabulary come together in a fun and practical way :)

PROGRESSIVE Courses for RESIDENTS (with tarjeta verde)

residentsdurationper person
14 x 50 min€ 90,00
3 - 88 x 50 min€ 115,00
3 - 84 x 50 min€ 60,00

Progressive course for resident students of all levels who want to combine their work or enjoy their free time in the Valley with the study of Spanish. Grammar and vocabulary come together in a fun and practical way :)

General information

Possible lesson hours:

Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m


The total number of agreed teaching units per week have to be paid at the beginning of the 1st Spanish lesson of the week.

Either in cash or directly to the following account at La Caixa Bank, Lienys Grisel Martín Lorenzo ES66 2100 6755 60020011 9431, Paypal and bank card.

If an agreed lesson cannot be attended, it must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise it will be charged in full.


Lessons start and end on time.

Are you interested in a non-binding level test?

You can download a level test here, fill it out and send it to me. After that, I can judge how far along you are. Of course, this level test is non-binding and free.

What my students say


You are interested?
Let's speak Spanish!

+34 643 940 854